Saturday, January 18, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blogie blog

They must be social animals and they must get along with humans.
Zebras are to nervous
Of those really useful animals, none of them are from Papa new guinea, Africa, or Australia.
Of the 14 animals named, a lama is the only 1 in South America. the others are North Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Cows pigs and goats are all from the middle east
The people who lived in the fertile crescent were geographically lucky
Steel was a technology that would change the world.
places like New Guinea have never developed technology because food was hard to get and it took a long time to gather. if you have the same lines of latitude days will be the same along with crops and weather.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


in the beginning of class we had a bit of technology problems. the movie wouldn't start up for about 15 mins. so i only got a page of notes.

China grows rice, America grows corn, beans and squash.

the ideal domesticated animal is one that is able to breed at at a very young age, say 1-3 and they must also be plant eating animals so that you don't have to raise other animals in order to feed it.
an ideal animal is one that can help a society to get moving. their traits would consist of 2 major factors strength and weight; the animal should be fairly strong and over 100 pounds. these animals might be like goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, camels, water buffalo, lamas, reindeer, yacks, mithan, and bali cattle.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Jared Diamond in Papua new guinea

"why do white men have so much cargo and we have so little?"
Cargo is imports and exports

White people saw themselves as genetically superior

Great civilations have had these 3 things in common
- advanced tecnology
- large population of people
- well organized work force

sago can be broken down and made into dough and they hold a lot of food

Barley and wheat were foods able to pick in the middle east and they had a huge impact

Drah was believed to be the oldest permanent settlement or village ever recorded

Granary is a place to store grain and the first one was found in the village of Drah

domestication is the process of changing food

Thursday, January 9, 2014

ancient rome

About 10,000 years ago people started living in agricultural villages.

2 components allowed the formation of cities to happen
- social stratification
- an agricultural surplus

Mesopotamia - 3500 BCE
Nile River Valley - 3200 BCE
Indus River Valley - 2200 BCE
Huang He and Wei River Vally -  1500 BCE
Mesoamerica - 200 BCE

Mayan and Aztec civilizations -
Many ancient cities were theocratic centers where rulers were known to have divine authority and were god kings.

by 500 BCE, Greeks were highly urbanized
- network of more than 500 cities and towns
- on the mainland and on islands
- each city had an acropolis and an agora

the roman cities
A system of cities and small towns linked together with hundreds of miles of roads and sea routs.
- sites of roman cities were typically for trade
- a roman cities forum combine the acropolis
- roman cities had extreme wealth and extreme poverty

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What I learned in class today is...

People wanted to live in cities because everything is closer together and easy to access.

The city of Shenzhen, China became urbanized quite quickly in the modern world, to think that less than 25 years ago, Shenzhen was all duck ponds and rice patties.

Urban - In or near a city

Rural - Farmish further from a city

Before urbanization, people often clustered in agricultural villages - a relatively small egalitarian village, where most of the population was involved in agriculture, and hunting and gathering.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Study time

im studying in the library. when i get home im gonna study at home. wish me luck.