Friday, August 30, 2013

5 Things in Order to Succeed

How to succeed

1.  I will do all my homework and turn it in on time.

2.  I will participate in extracurricular activities like soccer and maybe indoor track.

3.  I will study hard for upcoming tests and quizzes.

4.  I will take notes in class and study with friends on my off mods.  

5.   I will not procrastinate, I will manage my time as best I can.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today's Class

Today in class...

Today in class we checked to see who did there blog for the first day and only 3 people had done it. I knew I had done it. and so did like 10 other people. I think this is going to be a fun class. I really like my classmates and I also like Mr. Schick. I'm really looking forward to this year

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day ESSAY

First day of school

On the first day of school I was very nervous.  I have never attended a private school before.  Were the teachers going to be strict?  Is the work going to be harder?  I didn't really know what to expect from the students or the teachers.  What was I supposed to bring to the classes?   Would I have friends in my classes?  Is my uniform right, my hair, my socks?  What if something is wrong?  It turns out, there was nothing to worry about!  I knew some of the students from the soccer team and I made some new friends pretty quickly and everyone was very nice and friendly. As soon as i walked in the door I was greeted by half the JV soccer team and it turns out i cant go to my locker until 7:45 and I didn't need my books for the first day.  I think the easiest class will be intro to bible, but I have never studied religion. All the classes seemed pretty easy, but its only the first day.