Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Study where the following countries are on a map…
-        Afghanistan Karzi he warned us about attacks of 9/11 he doesn’t own any land or property he worked to over throw the government
-        Brazil Dilma Rouseff federal republic divorced a couple of times has been tortured strong background in economics.
-        China president Xi Jingping communist state married an army general/folk singer sending their daughter to Harvard University
-        Francois Hollande had a very political childhood and leading the country is his first big thing
-        Angela Merkel has been chancellor since November 2005 most powerful women in the world for 8 of the past 10 years.
-        India is a federal republic headed by Mukherjee he was a political scientist and a journalist. 15 years ago he was the best parliament.
-        Iran is scaring the hell out of all the other countries because he is trying to make an atom bomb and it is scary but the leader is a happy jolly man he looks like an Arab Santa
-        Israel is surrounded by countries that don’t like them and their military is very strict. America supplies them with a load of weapons to test/defend themselves
-        Shimon Peres
-        México Enrique Pena Pieto has promised to clean up México and the people really love him and his wife and he could easily be around for a long time he is still young
-        Saudi Arabia Abdallah has fathered 22 children and he is worth 21 billion dollars like how tf… oh plus he is about to die to he is an old crusty dude
-        The united kingdom Cameron, (Cameron bikes to work every day <3) also he had his bike stolen a few times lmao! and Queen Elizabeth and the queen is in good health and when she dies prince Charles will be the king the queen has ruled for 60 years and counting…..

-        Venezuela is a federal republic headed by Nickolas Moros and the guy who led before him hated the US and wanted to have a fist fight with bush and Nickolas used to be a bus driver and was successful at throwing the government.

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