Friday, December 13, 2013

Study time

im studying in the library. when i get home im gonna study at home. wish me luck.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


the exams should all be pretty easy. i will study for em' all.

in class we went over what to study for the exams. and i should basically study everything we learned since the class first started. wish me luck.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The same old blog...

Im getting pretty tired of writing theses blogs... in class today we reviewed the test and i only got 1 wrong... the mosquito one.. :(  i just dont remember going over that. class was so boring all we did was talk about Nelson Mandela. He was in prison for 27 years and when he got out he forgave them than became best friends with his personal guard. what a goon.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


we had a test and i got a 93% raising my grade from an 82 to an 85 a solid 3 point difference!
welp, I think that the human geo exam will  be the most difficult exam. and i will need to study
but i will need to study for all the exams

and i hope school is out on monday, i really do.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Study Guide

Microfinance - a form of financial services for entrepreneurs and small buisnesses lacking access to banking and related services

Microloan - a small loan given to individuals who may not have access to these typical bank services usually to start or expand a small buisness

Kiva is the biggest lending group in the world they have lent 498,939,550 in loan form there repay rate is 99.1%

Who recieves microloans? people trying to kickstart a small buisness, students wanting a further education, teachers to buy more desks or supplies, disease drought, generators refrigerator.

Problems with microloans high intrest rate someimes as high as 23% it cost more to be poor because of the intreast's

microloans are a help not a cure

Malaria = bad air its a mosquito born disease and it has no vaccine. it kills around 665,000 Bill and Malinda Gates founded microsoft and he is the number one supplier of mosquito nets. he has given away 28 billion dollars (1/3 of his profit)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


1. what is malaria - its a deadly disease
2. what is the main cause of malaria - mosquito carry the deadly disease and they infect you with their painless sting
3. who makes the world wide mosquito net - Bill and Malinda gates
4. why dont banks give loans to poor people very often - because they will have a hard time paying it back and its just too risky
5. What is microfianace - it is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services
6. what can micro loans help with in undeveloped countries - clean water, drought, disease
7. why is quia helpful - it lets regular people make loans instead of the banks that wont loan to the poor
8. how many death per year does malaria cause - around 655,000
9. what is a micro loan - a small amount of money usually used to kickstart a small buisness
10. is there a vaccine for malaria - No

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


First we go over how sucky disney is.. lol

a kickstart starts something large. a loan. you take a small bit of money from the bank buy some stuff and start a buisness. a microloan. helps to kickstart a buisness.

helps small buisness start and stay running and it helps the local economy. for example buying land, livestock, tools... and all it takes is a small loan

poor people are least likely to be helped by a bank cause there risky and they may not return the  money. so there stuck. they cant start a buisness and they cant get a loan.

for poor countries loans can help with disease, clean water ect.

um ew mosquito are nasty little scavengers.