Wednesday, December 4, 2013


1. what is malaria - its a deadly disease
2. what is the main cause of malaria - mosquito carry the deadly disease and they infect you with their painless sting
3. who makes the world wide mosquito net - Bill and Malinda gates
4. why dont banks give loans to poor people very often - because they will have a hard time paying it back and its just too risky
5. What is microfianace - it is a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services
6. what can micro loans help with in undeveloped countries - clean water, drought, disease
7. why is quia helpful - it lets regular people make loans instead of the banks that wont loan to the poor
8. how many death per year does malaria cause - around 655,000
9. what is a micro loan - a small amount of money usually used to kickstart a small buisness
10. is there a vaccine for malaria - No

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