Monday, September 2, 2013

Greek Stuff

Agora----  Agora means gathering place. It was located in the center of the ancient Greek city-states.

Arete---- Arete means excellence or good character.

Polis----  Polis just means city in Greek or it can mean a group of people or citizens.

508 B.C----  In 508 B.C after the three wars, Klisthenis came into power and created the Athenian democracy a very successful form of government.

Socrates----  Socrates is a very famous Greek philosopher. Credited for inventing western philosophy.

Death of Socrates----  This is a painting by a famous french painter that focuses on the execution of Socrates in the painting it shows his punishment for criticizing Critias.

The Socratic method----  The Socratic method is a conversation based on asking and answering questions to get critical thinking involved and to spark ideas. This is the method of learning used in the majority of classrooms today.

A Greek idiot----  A Greek idiot is someone who didn't vote and it was bad to be called an idiot. cause you were publicly announced to be an idiot.

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