Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Truth Behind Nike

Class was very interesting today. We watched a video about Nike, and how much money the factory workers in developing countries are paid. Jim Keady lives in New York, plays goalie for a professional soccer team, and coaches soccer for St. Johns. St. Johns was offered 3.5 million dollars and free equipment if they advertised for Nike. The players would all have to wear Nike and use Nike equipment. Jim was very mad because he does not believe in the way the factory workers are paid. He decided to do a project with a girl named Leslie Kretzu. Together, they went to Indonesia, where Nike headquarters is located. They were both going to live in Indonesia for a month on the average Nike factory workers wage of $1.25 per day. All this could buy was three small meals and a bottle of cleaner. During there time there they each lost at least 25 pounds and were in very poor condition. Leslie got sick multiple times and they found out that Nike factories are ordered to dump their scrap parts (mostly plastic and rubber) into a large area. This area happens to be the play area for most kids. later they burn the large piles of scraps putting deadly chemicals in the air where children play causing many sicknesses throughout the kids. When they got back, they talked to the the CEO of Nike, Phil Knight, and he said he didn't care and he wasn't going to do anything about the conditions in Indonesia.

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