Thursday, October 31, 2013

notes for test


Siddhartha Gautama is known as Buddha
6% of the world’s population is Buddhist
Mostly popular though the Asian people even though china doesn’t have really a specific religion.
Buddha is also known as the awakened one.
It is one of the oldest practices today.
There is just over a million Buddhist in the US.
Buddha was actually skinny and Americans put him as a fat happy man


Jews practice their religion in a synagogue.
The ark of the synagogue is facing in a way so that if you face it and pray, you are praying towards Jerusalem
81% live in Israel and the US.
Moses was a main teacher of Judaism and he brought down the 10 commandment
Abrahamic religion…
There are about 14,500,000 Jews

STUDY GUIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christians are the largest religion in the world 2.2 billion
Biggest denomination is Catholic Church
Founder: Jesus Christ
Holy book is the bible
They believe that Jesus is fully human and fully divine
The pope is the head of the church

2nd largest religion is the Muslims there is about 1.5 billion
Founder is Muhammad
Holy book is Quran
Monotheistic Abrahamic
They must give to others and serve others and submitting to Allah
What gets them in trouble with the rest of the world is there believe in living under Islamic law. It is very strict and women do not have many rights

Hinduism is the 3rd largest religion in the world with about 1.1 billion
Holy book is the Vedas
There is no distinct founder and it is often looked at instead of a religion but as a way of life and there is reincarnation

Number of Buddhist is 500million to 1.5 billion
Siddartha Guatama
The 4 noble truths are :
There is suffering
Attachment to desire is the origion of suffering

There is a seccation of sufferoing the 8 fold path will lead to the seccation to anything

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Some Important Religion Notes


Islam is a monotheistic religion it is Abrahamic.
The Qur'an is the Islamic bible. It’s considered to be the exact word of god.
Muslims live mostly in the Middle East.
Followers are called Muslims.
They also don’t eat pork.
It is the belief that God is one and the purpose is to love and serve him.
The God is Allah. He is the 1 and only God and he should be worshiped and obeyed.
Humans are not created in Allah’s image.
Humans can ask Allah for anything they want.
They do a prayer 5 times a day
During the month of Ramadan there is no food or water from sun up to sun down.
The males mostly always make a pilgrimage to mecca. The pilgrimage is called the Hajj. It lets Muslims from around the world to pray


50% catholic
36% protestant
11% orthodox
1.3% other Christian
There are 2.8 billion Christians in the world (about 1/3 of the total population)
Christianity is the largest religion in the world as of now
It is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ


Siddhartha Gautama is known as Buddha
6% of the world’s population is Buddhist
Mostly popular though the Asian people even though china doesn’t have really a specific religion.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

upcoming test

today i found out about a test we are having soon and it is on every thing i think. i hope i do well. i will study.  i want to start off this quarter strong and keep it that way all week. plus my dumb computer sucks and wont let me access the slide show with my group and all so we are presenting tomorrow and i uh yea... ill try my best.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Stupid Test

Well... I failed the test now i have a 79 and i need at least an 80... (;  so hopefully my blogs are weighted enough to bring it back up.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

tomorrow test!

Class today was fun and we watched a funny but true video about America, Why does everyone think america is the best? were not... xD
We have a test tomorrow and, i. am. ready.

The 5 major religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam  
Jews, Christians, and Muslims all claim Jerusalem.
Nationalism is the belief that your nation is the best.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Religion: Jerusalem is always being fault over. like whose religious land it?

Spacial divisions are how we divide the livable space found on the earth by establishing social, economic, and political control.

- countries
- economical alliances
     - European Union (EU)
     - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
- political alliances
     - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
     - Commonwealth of nations
     - League of Arab States
     - African Union (AU)

- different language, culture, and religion
- keeping historical boundaries
- imperial conquest and control
- economic similarities and differences
- boundary and territory disputes
  like Syria/Israel, Western Sahara/Morocco, China/Taiwan, India/Pakistan, Iraq/Kuwait.

Cultural differences (language/religion)... Indonesia, Canada (Quebec) Ireland, Sudan.
fertile land, access to fresh water, access to the coast (fishing rights), natural resources, different economic philosophy.

**Nationalism = The belief that your nation is the best in the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Cultural Characteristics

1* Religion
     Christian, Jewish, Greek Orthodox
2* Language
     English, Spanish, Japanese
3* Ethnic Heritage
     White, Black, Chinese

2: LANGUAGE unites the neighboring nations together (Arab Nation). Brazil is surrounded by Spanish speaking yet they speak Portuguese. Brazil is the only non-Spanish speaking country in South America. Canada has 2 official languages. French and English. America does not have an official language even tho the majority of the people speak English.  Switzerland has multiple languages but very limited conflict.  English is now considered the world language (even tho it is not the most popular), because it is the business language of the world.

3: ETHNIC HERITAGE. in Yugoslavia, many ethnic groups were combined into one country. when strong leaders died out, the different groups fault a very bloody civil war. now they all have separate countries. The United States and Switzerland have peacefully merged multiple ethnic groups in there countries. Korea and Japan have primarily one ethnic group.

1: RELIGION. There are five major religion groups in the world today:
     1. Hinduism
     2. Buddhism
     3. Judaism
     4. Christianity
     5. Islam
Religion can be a dividing force around the world.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

No Teacher

Ok so i got to class witch was first period, and there was no teacher... not for a while.. until jasmine and some other soar loser had to get up and find a teacher. well at least we got to sit and do nothing for like 20 minutes. Than when the teacher finally got there he gave us a big big big test! like c'mon dude. you kidding me? it was super hard.. i didn't know anything on there. Thank God it wasnt graded. i would've been done for. =D

Friday, October 18, 2013

hum. geo.

in class we went over the test and i got like a 78 i probably could have studied and done better, but i thought we could maybe use our blog so i put all my notes in my latest blog. class was pretty boring just reviewing the test. c'mon Mr. Schick spice it up. =)

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Crude birth rate: birth per 1000 almost always measured be year.

Crude death rate: Death per 1000

Immigrant: some one who comes into the country

Emigrant: some one who leaves the country

*Net migration rate  (NMR)---
Number of immigrants - Number of emigrants = NMR
If NMR is positive, there is more people entering the country.
If NMR is negative there is more people leaving the country. (Mexico)

*Total fertility rate  (TFR)---
TFR is the number of children born per mother. if the number is 2.1 it will stay the same.
It is 2.1 because that cancels out the mom and dad and .1 is the average so that all the people that die from war and other causes will regenerate.

*Population pyramid
A population pyramid is a graphical illustration giving information about the population, broken down by age.
BOYS          GIRLS
LEFT           RIGHT

Push force: war, potato famine, bad economy, disease (reasons to leave a country).
Pull force: religious freedom, better health care, better job opportunity (reasons to go to a country)

Women live longer than men because they monitor their diet and work safer jobs, while men work in coal mines, construction sites, military, and the NFL. all those jobs lower life expectancy.

Germany, Italy,    -------------------------------------                            Developed nation, negative growth

Namibia, Bangladesh   ----------------------------------------------------------   Developing nation, short life                                                                                                                       expectancy

Sweden, USA  ---------------------------------------          Developed nation, steady birth/death rate

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

population pyramids

We talked more about population pyramids, and that in militairy places the population is high in the 19-35 age zone but low in the childern and oldies. we have another test friday... (>.<) its on population pyramids. easy right... NO!  i will put more notes in my blog tomorrow just in case we can use it. i hope to do well on this test.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Knowledge on population ^.^

with a population pyramid, you can tell what the mortality rate, fertality rate, and weather the health care is good or bad.  the "kiddos" (0-20) and the "oldies" (65 +)are collecting money from the government.  The "active" people (20-60) are making money.  population pyramids are all different sizes, like a triangle, box, or cup.  the triangle signifies that the country is a developing nation and that there is a short life expectancy.  a box means the nation is developed but growing slowly, there is a short life expectancy.  a cup means it is a developed nation but there is negative growth, there is a long life expectancy.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"God grew tired of us" Review and Quiz

At the end of the movie, John Bul Dau's mother and sister finally came to america. I think the mother sorta totally over reacted. She was like randomly screaming.  John is now supporting his family. He founded a non-profit organization and he also founded a medical organization in his hometown Duk, Sudan.  Panther went back to Africa, he is going to make a school for his people so they will be educated.  Daniel has yet to locate any members of his family... they probably died back in Sudan during the war. He continues to live in Pittsburgh job corps.
        There is a quiz on Monday, 50pts. I am studying my notes right now.  I saw Mr. Schick in Safeway, in the bleach aisle, He was holding a medium sized container full of Tide laundry detergent. We went into a short conversation about fantasy football witch I am currently losing right now.

P.S That was my step brother who i forgot to introduce to you.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Missing home

After a year in Pittsburgh, pressing checks, Daniel now earns a little more than minimum wage.the boys are very lonely and they miss the people back in Sudan. Some local merchants and neighbors are complaining that it is very scary and intimidating since they are all very tall black men. after that they were not allowed to shop together or travel in groups. John Bul Dau got a letter from his family and now he knows there alive, he sais it is his time to help them. he sends every bit of money he earns to help his family so they can someday come to america too so he knows there okay.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Arriving In America

Okay so, Daniel and Panther went to Pittsburgh. They were being taught how to use and operate everything and they were so clueless it was not even funny. they feel bad for all the people left behind. overall he thinks God got tiered of them. hence the title.they are always thinking about their people in Sudan, they want to help their people back at home. they say first they will support themselves than they will send care packages to their brothers and friends left in Sudan so survival wont be such a struggle.

Sudan causes

In class today we watched a video about the country and people of Sudan. Sudan has two different groups consisting of Muslims and Christians/Animist. These Two different groups had a civil war. causing a large group of 20,000 Sudanese boys to flee the nation. They walked at least 1,000 miles with limited food and clean water. it was a 5 year trip. they arrived to Kenya with only 12,000 people. so far in the video an elite group of young men was chosen to go to America to start a new better life. some of them have never even used electricity.