Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Cultural Characteristics

1* Religion
     Christian, Jewish, Greek Orthodox
2* Language
     English, Spanish, Japanese
3* Ethnic Heritage
     White, Black, Chinese

2: LANGUAGE unites the neighboring nations together (Arab Nation). Brazil is surrounded by Spanish speaking yet they speak Portuguese. Brazil is the only non-Spanish speaking country in South America. Canada has 2 official languages. French and English. America does not have an official language even tho the majority of the people speak English.  Switzerland has multiple languages but very limited conflict.  English is now considered the world language (even tho it is not the most popular), because it is the business language of the world.

3: ETHNIC HERITAGE. in Yugoslavia, many ethnic groups were combined into one country. when strong leaders died out, the different groups fault a very bloody civil war. now they all have separate countries. The United States and Switzerland have peacefully merged multiple ethnic groups in there countries. Korea and Japan have primarily one ethnic group.

1: RELIGION. There are five major religion groups in the world today:
     1. Hinduism
     2. Buddhism
     3. Judaism
     4. Christianity
     5. Islam
Religion can be a dividing force around the world.

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