Thursday, October 31, 2013

notes for test


Siddhartha Gautama is known as Buddha
6% of the world’s population is Buddhist
Mostly popular though the Asian people even though china doesn’t have really a specific religion.
Buddha is also known as the awakened one.
It is one of the oldest practices today.
There is just over a million Buddhist in the US.
Buddha was actually skinny and Americans put him as a fat happy man


Jews practice their religion in a synagogue.
The ark of the synagogue is facing in a way so that if you face it and pray, you are praying towards Jerusalem
81% live in Israel and the US.
Moses was a main teacher of Judaism and he brought down the 10 commandment
Abrahamic religion…
There are about 14,500,000 Jews

STUDY GUIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christians are the largest religion in the world 2.2 billion
Biggest denomination is Catholic Church
Founder: Jesus Christ
Holy book is the bible
They believe that Jesus is fully human and fully divine
The pope is the head of the church

2nd largest religion is the Muslims there is about 1.5 billion
Founder is Muhammad
Holy book is Quran
Monotheistic Abrahamic
They must give to others and serve others and submitting to Allah
What gets them in trouble with the rest of the world is there believe in living under Islamic law. It is very strict and women do not have many rights

Hinduism is the 3rd largest religion in the world with about 1.1 billion
Holy book is the Vedas
There is no distinct founder and it is often looked at instead of a religion but as a way of life and there is reincarnation

Number of Buddhist is 500million to 1.5 billion
Siddartha Guatama
The 4 noble truths are :
There is suffering
Attachment to desire is the origion of suffering

There is a seccation of sufferoing the 8 fold path will lead to the seccation to anything

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