Sunday, October 6, 2013

"God grew tired of us" Review and Quiz

At the end of the movie, John Bul Dau's mother and sister finally came to america. I think the mother sorta totally over reacted. She was like randomly screaming.  John is now supporting his family. He founded a non-profit organization and he also founded a medical organization in his hometown Duk, Sudan.  Panther went back to Africa, he is going to make a school for his people so they will be educated.  Daniel has yet to locate any members of his family... they probably died back in Sudan during the war. He continues to live in Pittsburgh job corps.
        There is a quiz on Monday, 50pts. I am studying my notes right now.  I saw Mr. Schick in Safeway, in the bleach aisle, He was holding a medium sized container full of Tide laundry detergent. We went into a short conversation about fantasy football witch I am currently losing right now.

P.S That was my step brother who i forgot to introduce to you.

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