Thursday, October 10, 2013


Crude birth rate: birth per 1000 almost always measured be year.

Crude death rate: Death per 1000

Immigrant: some one who comes into the country

Emigrant: some one who leaves the country

*Net migration rate  (NMR)---
Number of immigrants - Number of emigrants = NMR
If NMR is positive, there is more people entering the country.
If NMR is negative there is more people leaving the country. (Mexico)

*Total fertility rate  (TFR)---
TFR is the number of children born per mother. if the number is 2.1 it will stay the same.
It is 2.1 because that cancels out the mom and dad and .1 is the average so that all the people that die from war and other causes will regenerate.

*Population pyramid
A population pyramid is a graphical illustration giving information about the population, broken down by age.
BOYS          GIRLS
LEFT           RIGHT

Push force: war, potato famine, bad economy, disease (reasons to leave a country).
Pull force: religious freedom, better health care, better job opportunity (reasons to go to a country)

Women live longer than men because they monitor their diet and work safer jobs, while men work in coal mines, construction sites, military, and the NFL. all those jobs lower life expectancy.

Germany, Italy,    -------------------------------------                            Developed nation, negative growth

Namibia, Bangladesh   ----------------------------------------------------------   Developing nation, short life                                                                                                                       expectancy

Sweden, USA  ---------------------------------------          Developed nation, steady birth/death rate

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